Straight from Heaven, dir. Piotr Matwiejczyk BY Jakub Socha Film The theme of Smoleńsk is little more than a lure in ‘Straight from Heaven’. Matwiejczyk has built a narrative corpus that could easily be used for any other occasion
Eager Collectors of Myths Talk with Tadeusz Sławek Literature When I look at what has recently happened in Poland, I know that besides the common belief that we form a certain ‘us’, a critical reflection should also be present on what this being together is actually supposed to mean – prof. Tadeusz Sławek
I BEG YOUR PARDON:How are we supposedto live now? BY Anda Rottenberg Media Fortunately, there are still courageous and responsible people in Poland, true patriots who boldly ask inconvenient questions in parliament and on the pages of the free press, uncorrupted by power