Warsaw Autumn’s Musical Discovery BY Daniel Gutowski Tweet 0 minutes reading left Tekst dostępny na licencji Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 PL.
Autumn with(out) a Keyboard BY Adam Wiedemann Music I felt really sorry for Reinbert de Leeuw, who actually got so carried away in his mechanical conducting that the score fell from the stand. I’d have preferred to listen to the old ‘Rite of Spring’ under his baton. No revolution took place during this year’s Warsaw Autumn
Closing Night BY Daniel Gutowski Media Who would have thought such dedication to art was still possible? – a comic strip report from the closing night
Golden Hour BY Patryk Mogilnicki Media Waiting for the sun? See one of the comics submitted for the Silence contest during this year’s Ligatura festival
NOT IN ENGLISH YET: Neither Turtlenecks nor Pocket Protectors BY Olga Drenda Media Frąckiewicz’s book is the first such detailed record of Polish comic culture
I Don’t Do Street Art Talk with Krystian Truth Czaplicki Art The authorities decided that styrofoam beams can’t just lie there without anyone around because they constitute a threat to public security – stories of art in public space by Krystian Truth Czaplicki
Warsaw Autumn’s Musical Discovery BY Daniel Gutowski Media Warsaw Autumn Festival takes place in all sorts of venues across Warsaw. Including milk bars
WHO’S WHO: Sławomir Kupczak BY Filip Lech Music ‘My audience isn’t always aware that I don’t treat all the musical gestures I write down in my scores seriously’ – says the composer about the risks of using humour
Warsaw Modern BY Czesław Olszewski Art The photography album by Czesław Olszewski is a unique cultural testament to the decade just prior to the outbreak of World War II. See the selection of photos from ‘Warsaw Modern’
Hey, You With the Camera! BY Iwo Zmyślony Art We go through the archive of the Exchange Gallery, established by Robakowski in 1978. My attention is drawn to a picture from Robakowski’s ‘An Exercise for Two Hands’ – the artist triumphantly picks the cameras up, like a gunslinger after a well-placed shot
The 16th Shakespeare Festival BY Agnieszka Kochanowska Theatre This year, the plays staged at the festival spoke about distrust of authority and suspicion of the rules that the world abides by. It’s no accident that, in comparison to previous editions of the festival, Gdańsk saw a disproportionate number of ‘Hamlet’ productions
The Festival in Wrocław: Ends and Conclusions BY Jakub Socha Film Can you really summerise a festival consisting of over 400 films and plenty of accompanying events? It’s like the internet, everyone’s got their own
Closing Night BY Daniel Gutowski Media Who would have thought such dedication to art was still possible? – a comic strip report from the closing night