EUROPEAN CULTURE CONGRESS:Alien Europe John Biweekly Media Debate with the participation of Azra Akšamija, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Paul Scheffer, Tigran Mansurian
Photomonth in Kraków: Alias Talk with Adam Broomberg, Olivier Chanarin Talks The more research we did, the more we realised that there is nothing new about the strategy of the heteronym and there were many artists around us making use of it
Jewish Surrealism BY Karol Sienkiewicz Art He uses humour as a tool with which to probe the resilience of social taboos. Roee Rosen in Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle in Warsaw till 3 July
PHOTOGRAPHY, STILLS & GNASH: Love at First Click BY Chris Niedenthal Art Friedmann/Capa united in part by their hatred of fascism both went to Spain at the start of the Civil War in 1936, where they were slowly but steadily sucked into the whirlwind of war and war photography
NOTES FROM UNDER THE TABLE:Three Stripes to the Wind BY James Hopkin Media Yes, in Poland at least, Tania Odzież is unashamedly cheap and not aspiring to cool, and you can throw things together and make your own way, make your own – what’s the word? – style – link with culture BY John Biweekly Intro It’s all because of – the online Polish periodical about culture. A year after Dwutygodnik’s first issue it was clear that its English version is a necessity. Why? Because we wanted to share
Bi-polarity BY Daniel Coyle Media All identities are hyphenated; some are just more implicit than others. Often hyphenated identities are only significant when people are part of a mainstream or widespread identity