Divine Kraków, Un-Divine Comedy Talk with Oliver Frljić Theatre You cannot use somebody who was trying to transgress social norms with his theatrical work to determine norms that must not be transgressed – Oliver Frljić
Post-Grotowskian Monasteries BY Dara Weinberg Theatre Report From Wrocław’s Grotowski Institute (the second annual Summer Seminars) and Teatr Pieśń Kozła (the Polish premiere of ‘Songs of Lear’)
Diary Revisited Talk with Allen J. Kuharski Literature Gombrowicz uses his own idiosyncratic terms like ‘maturity’, ‘immaturity’, ‘superiority’, ‘inferiority’, ‘form’. The index almost killed me. I would say it’s like annotating Nietzsche, with the level of it
The 16th Shakespeare Festival BY Agnieszka Kochanowska Theatre This year, the plays staged at the festival spoke about distrust of authority and suspicion of the rules that the world abides by. It’s no accident that, in comparison to previous editions of the festival, Gdańsk saw a disproportionate number of ‘Hamlet’ productions
CRAFTSMEN OF CULTURE:The Show Must go On Talk with Teresa Krasnodębska Music Half an hour before a premiere I paint my nails. Some elegant colour, no greens or dots. This particular activity requires me to be absolutely calm – interview with a stage manager at the National Opera in Warsaw
There is No Single Mainstream Talk with Wojtek Ziemilski Theatre Look around – nowadays even ads for shoes are often bolder than the so-called alternative. The desire for something new and vivid is neither alternative, strange nor unattainable. – Wojtek Ziemilski talks about his Lisbon expierience, going back to Poland and phantom phone vibrations
O dobru, Strzępka and Demirski BY Dorota Kowalkowska Theatre The last piece written by Demirski and directed by Strzępka brings a simple, and yet a very difficult thought to verbalise: without the support of others and undoubted faith in that support, we won’t be able to move on
Everything in Opera Leaves a Mark Talk with Krzysztof Warlikowski Music Premiering a drama production leaves me wondering what it is that I want to talk about in my next piece. I don’t really know anything about the next subject or work that I’d like to or could direct. Unlike the opera, which opens up a world of opportunities
Wojtek Ziemilski’s Prolog BY Agata Diduszko-Zyglewska Theatre The creator of ‘Prolog’ explores the possibilities offered by social choreography, provoking in the audience a more conscious perception of the web of connections comprising our social identity
Polish Theatre and the 32nd Warsaw Theatre Meetings, as Seen by US Visitors BY Dara Weinberg Theatre It seems that it is the very conviction of the theatres that their work is not a commodity that makes the statement ‘Teatr nie jest produktem...’ true. It is not only the quality of the art, but also the quality of confidence possessed by these theatre artists
The Fight Against Monuments BY Joanna Wichowska Theatre The Maria we see in the performance is therefore an obviously made-up character, or rather a series of characters: a sequence of sketches, none of which aspire to be the single, true image