BEFORE THE EUROPEAN CULTURE CONGRESS:Love Europe World of Zygmunt Bauman BY John Biweekly Film The film ‘Love Europe World of Zygmunt Bauman’ was released 12 May on DVD, coinciding with the publication of Zygmunt Bauman’s ‘Culture in a Liquid Modern World’
BEFORE THE EUROPEAN CULTURE CONGRESS:Love Europe World of Zygmunt Bauman BY John Biweekly Film The film ‘Love Europe World of Zygmunt Bauman’ was released 12 May on DVD. It was available on in its entirety for four days (12–15 May 2011)
BEFORE THE EUROPEAN CULTURE CONGRESS:Culture in a Liquid Modern World BY John Biweekly Literature The latest book by Professor Zygmunt Bauman was released 12 May. The book premiered at the Warsaw Book Fair
Poland Suffers FromStockholm Syndrome Talk with Paweł Sala Film Director of ‘Mother Teresa of Cats’ talks about family ties and lies