The Night Wanderers. Uganda’s Children and the Lord’s Resistance Army BY Agnieszka Le Nart Literature Jagielski’s book is a tale of the frustration of being a lone reporter in Africa
WHO’S WHO AND WHY:Nicolas Grosspierre BY Agnieszka Le Nart Art ‘I like games, based on what one can see in my works, and that I invite the viewers to participate in.’
WHO’S WHO AND WHY: Goshka Macuga BY Agnieszka Le Nart Art Goshka Macuga collects stories of censorship and revives an interest in the matter, leading the art world to question how much has changed in the past two decades
WHO’S WHO AND WHY: Ballady i Romanse BY Agnieszka Le Nart Music ‘Today sung poetry doesn’t have a very positive association. Perhaps that’s because it’s not the same kind of poetry that was once sung. We try to sift out the ceremonial character and pathos’ — Basia Wrońska
WHO’S WHO AND WHY:Paulina Ołowska BY Agnieszka Le Nart Art As a child of socialist Poland, she thrives on the nostalgia of alternative private realities under socialism. Her work has been said to combine a post-Warholian pop art with Warsaw Pact socialism
WHO'S WHO AND WHY:Eugeniusz Tkaczyszyn-Dycki BY Agnieszka Le Nart Literature His nostalgic descriptions of days gone by and people he’s known give these writings a seductive air. His writings have been referred to as a ‘dark passion’
WHO’S WHO AND WHY:Honza Zamojski BY Agnieszka Le Nart Art I feel lucky that I have a ‘profession’, that I don’t need to be an artist
WHO'S WHO AND WHY:Igor Pudło a.k.a Igor Boxx BY Agnieszka Le Nart Music Igor Boxx is performing works off of the Breaslau album at the European Culture Congress. The DJ series at the Festival Club – Four Domes Pavilion hosts Boxx on Friday, 9 September, 2011 at 22:30
WHO’S WHO AND WHY:Agata Bogacka BY Agnieszka Le Nart Art Agata Bogacka’s latest show is on at the Zachęta National Gallery of Art in Warsaw between 13 August and 9 October. Diaries are not as compelling as her earlier works as they don’t share a universality that inspired a greater degree of identification on the part of the viewer
WHO’S WHO AND WHY:Wojtek Mazolewski BY Agnieszka Le Nart Music Music is the best way for me to make contact with the world. I strive to pursue ideals, but in life it often doesn’t work. In music it can work, this beautiful world of feelings and emotions transferred through pure energy. In this way I share the best with others. – Wojtek Mazolewski
WHO’S WHO AND WHY:Joanna Rajkowska BY Agnieszka Le Nart Art In this section we introduce Polish artists, places, and new phenomena. Time for Joanna Rajkowska
WHO'S WHO AND WHY:Gaba Kulka BY Agnieszka Le Nart Music Perhaps simply writing and singing songs comes out better than anything else I’ve done thus far – Gaba Kulka
WHO'S WHO AND WHY:Chłodna25 BY Agnieszka Le Nart Music ‘This is our mission – to create conditions for the progress of culture, art and all kinds of free thought.’ – Grzegorz Lewandowski, Chłodna 25
WHO’S WHO AND WHY:Pchełki BY Agnieszka Le Nart Music ‘We are here to grow and take pleasure in what we do because that’s what it’s all about – for us to be happy doing what we’re doing.’ – Pchełki
WHO'S WHO AND WHY:Marcin Koszałka BY Agnieszka Le Nart Film ‘Film is a way for me to overcome fear, to learn to one day die with dignity. Not to cry out in panic, not to be afraid’
WHO'S WHO AND WHY:Julita Wójcik BY Agnieszka Le Nart Art Her primary focus is the tension created by the amalgam of divergent roles set upon women in contemporary society and the negative connotations of provincialism
WHO'S WHO AND WHY:Radek Szlaga BY Agnieszka Le Nart Art ‘My interviews are no longer valid after a month’
Piotr Uklański, Early Works BY Agnieszka Le Nart Art Uklański has allowed himself the rare luxury of not only having his childhood drawings published, but also analysed by a professional. And what is the verdict?