Robot, the stupid BY Aleksandra Przegalińska Media Despite the enthusiasm of its creators, Aiko, Kenji and Cog get lost in the human world. The AI revolution is still to come
Caucasian Bazaar Talk with SLAVS and TATARS Art Our work is transnational. We act like mediators or even post-national-mediators. We don’t belong to a single nation – we are intellectually and affectionately as Russian, as we are Polish, Iranian or American
Everything in Opera Leaves a Mark Talk with Krzysztof Warlikowski Music Premiering a drama production leaves me wondering what it is that I want to talk about in my next piece. I don’t really know anything about the next subject or work that I’d like to or could direct. Unlike the opera, which opens up a world of opportunities
Women are Somehow Different, dir. Marek Koterski BY Iwona Kurz Film It would appear that the men are truly from another world. How about we call it quits, guys?
WHO'S WHO AND WHY:Eugeniusz Tkaczyszyn-Dycki BY Agnieszka Le Nart Literature His nostalgic descriptions of days gone by and people he’s known give these writings a seductive air. His writings have been referred to as a ‘dark passion’
To All The Translators BY John Biweekly Intro ‘The kitchen window was open onto the black night, saturated with dreams and complications.’
CULTURE 2.0 – Slam Sensing Nation Sensation BY John Biweekly Media The happening is designed on the idea of the ‘Chinese whispers’ game. Marcin Cecko’s poem, published in Biweekly#01, went through an evolution of translations, from one language to another in the pre-established order
Constellations of connections BY Bogusław Deptuła Art Words don't lie, but sentences do. A word cannot lie. But put three words together and distortion begins – Stanisław Dróżdż (1939-2009) had a very deep understanding of the verbal-linguistic structure of our world
SOMETHING OR OTHER:The Prison and Freedom of Language BY Irena Grudzińska-Gross Literature In his native language, the tone, the gesture, the emotion is fully controlled; in English, it is the effort of sounding the words that predominates. The difference in self assurance is striking